The Ezine For Every Strawberry Lover!

July 28th, 2008

Issue #50

Hello <>,

Yesterday I went to visit my parents and came back packed with fruits and berries: strawberries, raspberries, red currants, and cherries.

Now I'm scoring my recipes to find out what to do with them, before they turn bad. As it is a rather hot day today, I opted for something cool and refreshing :-)

By the way, you can replace the strawberries in the recipe with any other of your favorite fruits.

Iced Tea Smoothie


  • 2 glasses fruit tea
  • 1/2 cup (150g) fresh strawberries (or any other berries)
  • 1/2 cup (150g) yoghurt
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
Serves 2.


Prepare the fruit tea and let cool down.

Mix strawberries and yoghurt in a blender until smooth. Slowly pour cold tea into the mixture and put for 1 hour into freezer.

After 1 hour take mixture out of freezer and mix a few seconds to make it "liquid" again. Then pour into two high cocktail glasses.

Decorate with a mint leave or a strawberry.

Extra Tip: You can experiment with the tea; try using flavored black tea or rooibos tea.


Nutritional Information
per serving

96 calories
3 g protein
3 g fat
13 g carbs

Kitchen Tip

Alcohol Substitutions In Cooking:

When you don't want to use alcohol for your recipes, you still need to keep the volume of liquid in the recipe the same as originally called for.

Good substitutions for wine are red grape juice, cranberry juice, or apple juice.

When using flavored liqueurs, extracts can be substituted if you make up the balance of the liquid with water.

Never Again Headaches and Rotten Strawberries!

You need to own our excellent cookbook, because it contains more than 100 Strawberry recipes. Never again you'll be hunting for strawberry recipes while the precious fruit is rotting in your kitchen.

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